Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

We started class, as we always do, by reviewing our annual and monthly themes and scriptures. I asked the children to share some ways that they have been Choosing the Right lately.  Isabelle said coming to church is a right choice that she makes.  Emma shared a story from when she was at a friend's' house recently.  When they were playing dress-up she chose not to wear any clothes that were immodest! Way to go kids :) You are applying the things you are learning and Choosing the Right!

In singing time this month we've been learning "I Feel My Savior's Love (Children's Songbook, pg 74)

We have also been reviewing the song for Article of Faith 5.

Our lesson today helped us understand a bit more of that article of faith which deals with the Priesthood.
See Lesson 17 from the Primary 2 lesson manual:

I am grateful for the kids in our Fairview Primary and for their love of the gospel.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunday, April 22

This week we are continuing on the theme of Jesus Christ Teaches Me to Choose the Right
“For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” ( John 13:15).

-specifically: Jesus Christ taught me the right way to live.
We will be following up on the lesson from last week with this activity from the Sharing Time Outline:
Encourage application (discussing case studies): On four pieces of paper write the following
teachings of Jesus: (1) Hunger and thirst after righteousness, (2) Let your light shine, (3) Love your enemies, (4) Pray to Heavenly Father. (Consider using pictures that illustrate these teachings for younger children.) Display the papers in different areas of the room. Prepare case studies (see TNGC, 161–62) that help the children understand how to apply these teachings. For example, “Someone at school is teasing you and calling you names. What would you do?” Review the scriptures from the guessing game described above, and point out that the papers displayed around the room correspond to the scriptures. Read a case study to the children,
and invite them to stand and face the paper with the teaching that would help them choose the
right. Ask a few children to share what choice they would make.

We will sing Hum Your Favorite Hymn (CS 152) and talk about which songs we can sing to help get us through difficult situation.
Children's Songbook #152

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Articles of Faith

This year in Singing Time we are spending a few minutes each week learning the songs for each of the Articles of Faith. In April we are leaning Article of Faith 5. And FHE lesson on the 5th Article of Faith would be a great way to help the kids learn the Article and the song.

MP3`s can be downloaded here:

Memorizing the Articles of Faith is one of the requirements of the Faith in God program for 8-11 year olds. Even the younger children can get a start on memorizing the Articles of Faith.

Check out this article in the June 2011 Friend magazine by President Thomas S. Monson about how a primary girl helped a man be converted to the gospel by sharing the Articles of Faith with him that she had memorized.

Play Articles of Faith Memory Quest at lds.org/friend!

A couple of Lesson Helps can be found on the Articles of Faith: click here.

Also, there are activity pages for the Articles of Faith in each issue of the Friend Magazine in 2011.

Sunday, April 15

Today in Primary we reviewed the themes from each month of the year so far. My hope is that the children will understand the things we have been talking about and be able to apply them in their lives.
In April we are learning Jesus Christ Teaches Me to Choose the Right
“For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” (John 13:15).
So far we have talked about some of the examples Jesus sets for us:
• He showed us the way to be baptized (see Matthew 3:13–17).
• He showed love for others (see Mark 10:13–16).
• He forgave those who hurt Him (see Luke 23:34).
• He showed us how to pray (see Matthew 6:5–13).

In March we talked about how Living Prophets Teach Me to Choose the Right
“O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God” (Alma 37:35).
Emma Ockey shared with us a little bit about her trip down to General Conference in Salt Lake to listen to the Prophet and Apostles.
We sang our theme song for March, “Stand for the Right”(CS, 159)

We also reviewed the theme for February: When We Choose the Right, We Are Blessed
“If ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you” (Mosiah 2:22).
The children shared examples of some blessings they have felt from good choices they made recently.
We sang “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239), and talked about how the guidance of the Holy Ghost is like a light to show us the way to go.

Last but not least we reviewed the January theme and scripture:
Agency Is the Gift to Choose for Ourselves
“Wherefore, men are free . . . to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men” (2 Nephi 2:27).

At that point we transitioned into the following lesson for today- acting out some of Jesus`teachings.

Identify the doctrine (singing a song): Sing “Choose the Right Way” (CS, 160–61), and ask
half of the children to listen for how we can be
happy and the other half to listen for what will
help us and show us the way. Discuss what the
children learned from the song.
Encourage understanding (playing a guessing
game and reading scriptures): Prepare wordstrips
containing the following words and
scripture references: hunger (Matthew 5:6); shine
(Matthew 5:16); love (Matthew 5:44); and pray
(Matthew 6:6). Show a picture of the Sermon on
the Mount. Explain that Jesus went up on a mountain
to teach His disciples; the things He taught are
now called the Sermon on the Mount. Show one
of the wordstrips to half of the children, and ask
them to act out the word for the other children to
guess. Read the corresponding scripture together,
and help the children understand what Christ
taught and how we can follow His example.
Repeat with the other words and scriptures.

We also reviewed the song for The Fourth Article of Faith that we practiced in March, and introduced the song for The Fifth Article of Faith that we will be reviewing in April. An FHE lesson on the 5th Article of Faith would be a great way to help the children understand the song.

We closed with the song we are learning for April: I feel My Savior`s Love (CS 74). This would be a great song to review at home with your children, not only to help them learn the words, but also to truly help them feel their Savior`s Love!

Have a great week!
Sister Burgess

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Gospel Standard Activity

I love this activity in the April Friend magazine. I will be encouraging the children in Activity Days (ages 8-11) to work on this activity throughout the month. It can also be fun for younger children as well. My 5 year old likes it and has completed the first 4 stops on the path. What a great way to learn and reinforce the Gospel Standards!

The standards in My Gospel Standards will help you follow Jesus Christand stay on the path that will take you to the temple.

Here’s how to play:

  1. 1.

    Each step on the path has a black-and- white symbol that stands for one of the gospel standards.

  2. 2.

    Look through the magazine for matching symbols. When you find one, read the story or do the activity on that page. Then cut out the symbol and glue or tape it on the path.

  3. 3.

    Write the gospel standard in the blank under the symbol (see the My Gospel Standards poster on page 6).

  4. 4.

    When you reach your goal, add a picture of yourself to the space by the temple. You can either draw a picture of yourself or cut out a picture of yourself and tape or glue it in the space.

  5. 5.

    Print more copies of this activity at lds.org/friend.

Follow the Path game(click to view larger)

Illustrations by Brad Teare

Song for April: I Feel My Savior's Love

Click this link to download the MP3: http://broadcast.lds.org/churchmusic/MP3/1/2/words/74.mp3

I Feel My Savior’s Love

1. I feel my Savior’s love
In all the world around me.
His Spirit warms my soul
Through ev’rything I see.
2. I feel my Savior’s love;
Its gentleness enfolds me,
And when I kneel to pray,
My heart is filled with peace.
3. I feel my Savior’s love
And know that he will bless me.
I offer him my heart;
My shepherd he will be.
He knows I will follow him,
Give all my life to him.
I feel my Savior’s love,
The love he freely gives me.
4. I’ll share my Savior’s love
By serving others freely.
In serving I am blessed.
In giving I receive.

Words: Ralph Rogers, Jr., b. 1936; K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939; and Laurie Huffman, b. 1943 Music: K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939

Copyright © 1979 by Sonos Music, Orem, Utah. Used by permission. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.

John 15:10–12

Easter Lesson Helps

The Children's Lesson Helps are indexed by topic as well as by corresponding lessons from the manuals.

Here is one example of many:

The Easter Story

A story for you to tell