We started class, as we always do, by reviewing our annual and monthly themes and scriptures. I asked the children to share some ways that they have been Choosing the Right lately. Isabelle said coming to church is a right choice that she makes. Emma shared a story from when she was at a friend's' house recently. When they were playing dress-up she chose not to wear any clothes that were immodest! Way to go kids :) You are applying the things you are learning and Choosing the Right!
In singing time this month we've been learning "I Feel My Savior's Love (Children's Songbook, pg 74)
We have also been reviewing the song for Article of Faith 5.
Our lesson today helped us understand a bit more of that article of faith which deals with the Priesthood.
See Lesson 17 from the Primary 2 lesson manual:
I am grateful for the kids in our Fairview Primary and for their love of the gospel.